Sunday 22 November 2015

High Fiber Super Foods

Start your day with Whole Grain

Fiber can help lower cholesterol, prevent constipation, and improve digestion. And Americans don’t eat enough of it. On average, we get less than half of what we need. Most whole grains are a great source of fiber. Start with breakfast: Look for whole-grain cereal or oatmeal with 3 or more grams of fiber per serving. Add fruit and you’ll be on your way to the daily goal of 38 grams for men under 50 and 25 grams for women under 50.

Fresh Fruits

Any fresh fruit is a healthy snack. But when it comes to fiber, all fruits are not created equal. One large Asian pear has a whopping 9.9 grams of it. Other high-fiber fruits include raspberries (4 grams per 1/2 cup), blackberries (3.8 grams per 1/2 cup), bananas (3.1 for one medium sized), and blueberries (2 grams per 1/2 cup). Pears and apples -- with the skin on -- are also good choices.

Whole Grain Breads & Crackers

Keep the grains coming. For lunch, eat a sandwich on whole-grain bread. Or dip whole-grain crackers into your favorite healthy spread. Whole grain means it includes all parts of the grain -- and that gives you all the nutrients. Studies show that adding whole grains and other high-fiber foods to your diet may also reduce your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Eat your Vegetables

Artichoke hearts, green peas, spinach, corn, broccoli, and potatoes are high-fiber veggies. But all vegetables have some. To boost your fiber intake, add veggies to omelets, sandwiches, pastas, pizza, and soup. Try adding interesting ones -- such as beets, jicama, Jerusalem artichokes, or celeriac -- to a salad or other meals.

Dried Fruits

Prunes are well known for their ability to help digestion. That’s in part because of their high fiber content. The roughage can help regulate bowel movements and relieve constipation. Most dried fruits are loaded with fiber. Try having a handful of dried figs, dates, raisins, or dried apricots as a snack. Or chop them up and sprinkle on top of cereal or whole-grain dishes.

Fiber Rich Beans

From adzuki to Great Northern, beans are high in fiber and protein, and low in fat. Try eating them instead of meat twice a week. Use them in soups, stews, salads, and casseroles, and with egg, rice, and pasta dishes. For a healthy snack, boil edamame beans for 4 minutes and sprinkle with salt. Be sure to wash down the fiber you eat with plenty of liquid to avoid constipation and gas.

Peas and Other Legumes

Related to beans, lentils and peas are high in fiber and protein and low in fat, too. Lentils cook more quickly than most other legumes and are a favorite in soups and stews. You can add cooked chickpeas to salads, or blend them to make hummus.

Nuts, Seeds and Fiber

Many people steer clear of nuts and seeds because they tend to be high in calories and fat. But they can be a great source of fiber and other nutrients. A 1/4 cup of sunflower seed kernels, for example, has 3.9 grams of fiber. One ounce of almonds has 3.5 grams. Try adding chopped nuts or seeds to salads, cereal, or yogurt. Or enjoy a handful of roasted nuts or seeds for a healthy afternoon snack.

Enjoy Whole Grains with Dinner

Enjoy brown rice instead of white with your meal. Or try whole-grain noodles. For something different, make a dish with millet, quinoa, or bulgur -- whole grains that are packed with fiber. Worried that grains cause weight gain? Adding fiber to your diet can actually help prevent it by making you feel fuller longer. These foods also require more chewing -- giving your body more time to feel full.

Add Flexseed

The seed of the flax plant can be an excellent source of fiber, giving you 2.8 grams per tablespoon. Flaxseed is often used as a laxative, but studies show that it also may help reduce cholesterol levels and decrease hot flashes. Add whole or ground flaxseeds to breads or other baked goods. Or sprinkle ground flaxseed into a smoothie or onto cooked vegetables.

Buy Fiber-Enriched Foods

Buy Fiber-Enriched Foods

Buy Fiber-Enriched Foods

Buy Fiber Enriched Food

If you can’t work another serving of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, or whole grains into your diet, consider eating a food enriched with fiber. You can find cereal, snack bars, toaster pastries, pasta, and yogurt fortified with it.

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Wednesday 18 November 2015


To appreciate this highly revered honey, one has to understand the story behind its tree.

The Sidr tree, (also known as Lote tree, Christ's Thorn, Jujube or Nabkh tree. Botanical name: Ziziphus spina-christi) is an ancient tree. The Jujube fruit was the first thing Prophet Adam (pbuh) ate when he was made to descend to earth. The tree was used during the time of King Suleiman (pbuh) and the Pharaohs to build palaces and temples.
This highly resilient tree is also sacred as it is mentioned four times in the Qur'an. In Sura Saba, it is mentioned as an earth tree while in other Suras, it is mentioned as a paradise tree (Sidrat al-Muntaha). Allah has mentioned this tree to emphasize its beauty, strength and grandeur (Saba 15,16; Waqia 27-33; Najm 7-18).
It is a sturdy and deep-rooted tree which has withstood the devastating floods of Eram at Ma'arib with two other trees: the Tamarisk and the Mustard Tree. (Saba 15,16). 

All of its parts have medicinal values. Its leaves are used as a herbal shampoo, to treat dandruff, head lice, swollen eyes, abscesses and to counter obesity. Mixed with warm water the leaves are used to clean the body since they are a disinfectant and the oil from the resin is deodorant. Its wood ash is used for the treatment of snakebites. Its fruits are found to have a very high energy value. Its seeds are rich in protein; its leaves rich in calcium, iron and magnesium. The root, stem bark are also used in various medicinal preparations. Other known medicinal uses include as a stomach ache, an appetizer, an astringent and also as a cough medicine.


Not many are aware that different honeys differ. They differ in their composition, they differ in their nutritional values and they differ in their therapeutic properties.

Research done on different honeys confirmed that floral source, climate when the honey is being harvested and soil composition are all key factors in determining not only its flavor, colour or aroma but also its quality and effectiveness for medicinal or health-promoting purposes.
Another important factor affecting a honey's curative qualities is purity. Only crude, unprocessed honey has shown to be effective. (For more information about how honeys differ, go to Honey Research)

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Yemeni's Sidr honey is a hundred times more expensive than the other kinds of honey on the global market because of differences in their medicinal and nutritive benefits.


Some of the extraordinary qualities of the Sidr Honey

HIGHLY POTENT - Yemeni's beekeepers who are strict in ensuring the honeys purity and potency will allow their bees to die rather than feed the bees with sugary syrup. Typically, bees of a certain hive make 37,000 trips just to make half a kilo of honey but bees fed solely on the nectar of the Sidr flower die after making about 3 trips! The weaker bees cannot withstand the potency of the nectar of this remarkable tree.

ORGANIC - the Sidr trees are grown wild and uncultivated in the desert areas of Yemen.

RAW & PURE - in Yemen, the method of beekeeping has always been a traditional one. No chemicals or drugs allowed (in modern agriculture, chemicals and antibiotics are widely used to control mites and other bee diseases in the hives). No machinery used. All are done using their hands, a little smoke (from dried camel skins) and knives. The honey is then poured, unheated and raw, into containers, thus preserving its vital live enzymatic constituents.

NATURAL APHRODISIAC - mixed with carrot seeds, it becomes an aphrodisiac. A blend of the honey with certain combination of nuts, ginseng and herbs are claimed to be better than Viagra, with no side effects.

MEDICINAL -  every drop of honey holds the spark of life. Our forefathers had understood honey's remarkable healing gift and had used it successfully in curing most diseases. Sidr honey has been reported to be good for liver problems, stomach ulcers, respiratory infections, diseases resulting from malnutrition, digestive problems, constipation, eye diseases, infected wounds and burns, surgical wounds (incl. caesarian), promote speedy recovery after childbirth, facilitates menstruation, (with various plants) it can be used against epilepsy, strengthened the immune systems, to promote general health and vitality.

ANTIOXIDANT -  Some honeys are found to have as much as 75-150 mg ascorbic acid per 100g while others, less than 5mg per 100mg. Antioxidants are important in counteracting the damage caused to the body by free radicals which play a role in the aging process and in triggering diseases such as arterial disease and cancer.  Research has found that darker honeys have higher antioxidant properties.

ANTIBACTERIAL - medical science is rediscovering the effectiveness of honey in the use of alternative therapies in areas where the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (the "superbugs") spreads. Honeys may differ in the potency of its antibacterial activity thus affecting its healing abilities. Some honeys are no more antibacterial than sugar, while others can be diluted more than 100-fold and still halt the growth of bacteria.

The honey that is harvested during winter is best, followed by spring, autumn then summer.

The Sidr honey of Yemen tastes delicious, different from those of other regions because the soil of Yemen is richer and this influences the flavor.

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Tuesday 17 November 2015

What is Cholestrol? Apakah itu Kolestrol?

I think before we go further on what food is good and not good to eat, it is best to know what is Cholesterol first. By knowing what Cholesterol is and how it behave inside our body will make us appreciate the importance to keep our body healthy. I hope the video extracted above can give you an insight on the subject.

Bahasa Malaysia:
Sebelum kita pergi lebih mendalam dalam hal pemakanan kita, adalah lebih baik untuk kita mengetahui  apakah itu Kolestrol. Dengan mengenali dengan lebih dekat lagi apakah itu Kolestrol dan bagaimana ia bertindak balas atau menyumbang kepada sakit angin ahmar, jantung, dll, di dalam badan kita, akan memberi kesedaran yang lebih mendalam terhadap kesihatan badan kita. Saya berharap rakaman video diatas dapat menerangkan sedikit sebanyak tentang apakah itu Kolestrol.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Video on Pomegranate Vinegar & Fig

People Are Drinking Vinegar. Should You?

From apple cider vinegar lowering blood sugar to balsamic improving heart health, here are science-backed ways that vinegar is good for you.
By Rachel Grumman Bender for
Posted on  | By Rachel Grumman Bender

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, chances are you’ve heard about the much-touted health benefits of vinegar—in particular, apple cider vinegar. The ancient condiment—the earliest known use of vinegar dates back more than 10,000 years and has been used as both food and medicine—is enjoying a real resurgence lately. “Cleansing diets and juicing have become so popular, and I think that’s created the recent buzz around vinegar,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, registered dietitian and author of Read It Before You Eat It.

As with any trend, it’s easy to get lost in the hype and start believing that vinegar is a miracle medicine (it isn’t). In fact, one of the most popular claims—that drinking a small amount of apple cider vinegar before a meal helps curb appetite and burn fat—has little scientific support, according to the Mayo Clinic.

So we did some digging and found some valid, science-backed benefits to vinegar that are worth sharing. In fact, research shows that vinegars contain antioxidants, which slow premature aging and reduce the risk of cancer, for example.

Here are a few more ways vinegar can give your health a boost:
  • Vinegar improves blood sugar levels. Drinking apple cider vinegar before a high-carbohydrate meal improves insulin sensitivity—slowing the rate of blood sugar levels rising—in people who are insulin resistant (a prediabetes condition) or have type 2 diabetes, according to a 2004 study. The researchers note that vinegar may possess physiological effects similar to the anti-diabetes medications acarbose and metformin.
  • It protects your heart health. Balsamic vinegar prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is believed to contribute to atherosclerosis—a condition in which plaque builds up in the arteries, blocking blood flow and in some cases, eventually leading to a heart attack or stroke, according to a 2010 study.
  • Substituting in vinegar can help you lose weight. The condiment can easily replace unhealthy fats—namely, in commercial salad dressing. “What I love to do is take a favorite dressing, even blue cheese, which is rich and high in calories, and I dilute it down with vinegar,” suggests Taub-Dix, who splits commercial dressing into two bottles and fills up the remaining half with vinegar. “The vinegar adds a delicious flavor and cuts calories in half. Or I make my own dressing at home with balsamic or champagne vinegar.”
  • It kills bacteria. Vinegar is thought to have antibacterial properties that can help fight the infection behind a sore throat. The acidity decreases the pH of tissue, which helps prevent bacteria from growing on its surface. In addition, a 2014 study even found that vinegar’s ingredient, acetic acid, which gives vinegar its tart flavor and strong odor, acts as a non-toxic disinfectant against drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) bacteria.
  • Vinegar may help reduce the risk of cancer. Vinegars are a rich source of polyphenols, compounds synthesized by plants to fight oxidative stress. According to 2006 research, consuming polyphenols enhances antioxidant protection and reduces cancer risk.

Bottom line: Vinegar can be beneficial in several ways, but it isn’t a magical cure-all and doesn’t replace common sense behaviors like eating a healthy, balanced diet, notes Taub-Dix. Plus, vinegar is an acid, so going overboard with it or not rinsing out your mouth after consuming it can erode tooth enamel over time.

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Tuesday 3 November 2015

Making an Olive Oil Salad Dressing

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A classic French vinaigrette is typically 3 to 4 parts oil (usually extra virgin olive oil) and 1 part acid (frequently red wine vinegar).
Seasonings include salt, pepper (freshly ground) and often Dijon mustard and/or garlic.
Start experimenting by beginning with 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar or citrus juice. You may be able to use less oil and more acid ingredient if you use one of the following vinegars in your dressing:
  • rice vinegar
  • raspberry, blueberry or other fruit vinegar
  • lemon, lime or orange juice
Note: While lime and lemon juice can stand alone in salad dressings, you'll get more flavor by combining orange juice with vinegar. Joy of Cooking (Simon & Schuster Inc., 1997) recommends distilled white vinegar is best used in pickling, not salad dressings.
For a better flavor, thoroughly mix the oil and vinegar. The standard procedure is to whisk the vinegar with the salt, papper and any other seasonings. Then add the oil in a slow steam, whisking constantly, until dressing is transluscent. Or, shake the ingredients together in a small jar with a tight-fitting lid. if not using dressing right away, whisk or shake again before using.
Plan to use about 1 tablespoon of oil/vinegar dressing per two cups of salad. Dress, don't drown, your salad to keep the calories lower. Salad dressing sticks better to dry lettuce and you will be able to save calories by using less dressing. Use a salad spinner or dry your lettuce between two layers of clean dish towels.

Basic Oil/Vinegar Salad Dressing
Directions (adjust amounts given in table according to personal taste)
  1. Whisk together vinegar and any additional seasonings or flavorings.
  2. Slowly add olive oil and whisk in. Or, shake all ingredients together in a small jar with a tight lid.
For safety and freshness, serve homemade dressings the same day you make them.

For 1 main dish or 2
side dish salads
For 2 main dish or
4 side dish salads
Balsamic, lemon juice, lime juice or combination of vinegar/orange juice1 teaspoon2 teaspoons
Salt & freshly ground black pepperTo taste 
Extra virigin olive oil1 tablespoon2 tablespoons
Optional Seasonings 
Minced sweet onion1-1/2 teaspoons to 1 tablespoon1 to 2 tablespoons
Dijon-type mustard1/4 to scant 1/2 teaspoon1/2 to 1 teaspoon
Garlic powder or clove of minced garlicDash of garlic powder OR 1 very small clove of garlic, minced 1/8 teaspoon
powder OR 1 clove, minced
SugarA pinch or to tasteA pinch or 2 OR to taste
Chopped fresh herbs (e.g. oregano, thyme, tarragon, parsley)1-1/2 or more teaspoons1 or more tablespoons

Choosing, Storing and Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Light, heat and air are enemies of olive oil freshness. Look for containers made from dark glass; tin; or even clear glass placed in a box, or mostly covered by a label advises the UC Davis Olive Center.
Store olive oil in a cool, dark place, such as inside a cupboard in a cooler location away from the stove and oven. Refrigeration will cause olive oil to become cloudy and harden. Olive oil returns to its normal color and consistency when returned to room temperature. If you bought olive oil in bulk, you may wish to refrigerate a portion to prolong its quality until you're ready to use it.
To enjoy EVOO at its best, UC Davis Olive center recommends buying an amount that will be finished in about six weeks after being opened. If you limit exposure to light, heat and air, it will likely maintain a satisfactory quality beyond this. Properly stored, unopened EVOO may maintain its quality for two or more years.
EVOO, because of its more pronounced flavor compared to other forms of olive oil, is most often used to flavor salads and dressings; as a base for marinades; and is drizzled on foods, such as pasta, just before they are served. The flavor profile of EVOO varies from robust to more subtle and fruity. Match the flavor to the ingredients — red meat, for example, may support a more intense flavor. More delicate foods, such as white fish and veggies, may pair better with a milder EVOO.

Sunday 1 November 2015

The Health Benefits of Olive Oil

The Health Benefits of Olive Oil

The health benefits of olive oil include treatment for colon, breast cancer, diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, high cholesterol, weight loss, metabolism, digestion, aging and cancer. Olive oil has been used by mankind for many centuries. It is a staple ingredient for many culinary preparations and also serves a variety of medicinal purposes. Medical studies suggest that olive oil is loaded with health benefits.

The health benefits of olive oil include the lowering of the bad cholesterol level in our blood, as it is rich in monounsaturated fats. The extra virgin olive oil variety contains the highest level of antioxidant polyphenols and oleic acid. Olive oil is thus a healthy option compared to other vegetable oils.
But, olive oil also has lots of calories, so it should be used in moderate amounts for the best health results. The Food and Drug Administration recommends 2 tablespoons of olive oil every day to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Important Sources: Olive oil, as we all know, is an essential fruit oil, which we get from the olive tree crop found mainly in the Mediterranean regions. Olive oil is utilized for cooking purposes, developing cosmetic products and soaps, for medicinal purposes, and as pharmaceutical supplements. It can also be used as fuel and for lighting lamps. Various types of olive oil include the following:
  • Virgin Olive Oil: This variety is used for cooking with a lower acid content.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil: This is a much better variety and is made by cold pressing the olive fruit.
  • Pure Olive Oil: This type is a combination of refined olive oil and virgin oils. It contains a highly acidic content.
  • Lampante Oil: It is used as a fuel and is not recommended for cooking purposes.

Olive oil has numerous beneficial qualities. Apart from being a good cooking aid, it is also known to have unique medicinal qualities. Some of them are as follows:
Reduce Heart Problems: Natural olive oil contains 70% monounsaturated fatty acid. As a result, it lowers cholesterol accumulation in the blood and reduces heart problems. It reduces the LDL, while at the same time increasing the HDL levels. The website of Montelcastelli Solutions Ltd. provides a table comparing the fatty acid composition of different types of oils.
Blood Cholesterol: LDL cholesterol is the bad type of cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart attacks and pulmonary heart disease. Extra virgin olive oil, which is rich in almost 40 antioxidant chemicals, helps reduce the oxidation effects of LDL cholesterol.
Weight Loss: Medical experts suggest that it is very difficult to gain weight from the mono-unsaturated fats present in olive oil. Experiments involving Mediterranean olive oil have shown positive results in regards to a reduction in human body weight.
Metabolism: Olive oil boosts the metabolism, the growth of good bone structure, and brain development in children. It is an excellent source of vitamin E, which is very beneficial for older people.
Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial Properties: The phenols present in olive oil have anti-inflammatory properties. The antimicrobial characteristics of the oil are a result of its strong aroma.
Digestion: Olive oil is known to aid in the digestive process. It is used as a medicinal oil to clean the digestive tract and to improve bowel movements.
Aging Process: Rich in antioxidants, olive oil slows the natural aging process of the human body. Used in cosmetic products and natural herbal therapy, olive oil does wonders for the skin, which gets a natural shine and glow from the enriching oil.
Prevention of Gall Stones: This oil is also effective in preventing gall stones.
Healthy Cell Walls: Olive oil contains polyphenol which helps in stronger cell walls. It also increases the elasticity of arterial walls, protecting against various heart conditions.
Cancer: Olive oil is said to protect the human body against cancerous growth, especially bowel cancer. Medical research done at the prestigious Oxford University has shown positive signs that the acidic content of olive oil can prevent the commencement of rectum and bowel cancer. In the UK, bowel cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer, and kills almost twenty thousand citizens every year.
Breast cancer: Recent research study suggests that hydroxytyrosol, a major component of olive oil may help prevent breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
Hypertension: Recent research study suggests that Mediterranean diet comprising of food rich in unsaturated fats (found in olive oil and nuts) and nitrite and nitrate (found in leafy green vegetables) may help protect you from hypertension.
There are several grades of olive oil, according to the flavor, aroma, acidic value and color. Readers are advised to buy authentic olive oil with proper evaluation for cooking or medicinal purposes.

Grades of Olive Oil

When you go in the market, you find different types of olive oils. What does extra virgin olive oil mean? What does US Fancy olive oil mean? There are two main types of gradations of olive oil that you will find, IOOC standards and US standards.

IOOC Standards

The International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) has released the Trade Standard Applying to Olive Oils and Olive-Pomace Oils. The council has provided descriptions for different types of olive oils; some of these descriptions are given below:
Virgin Olive Oil: Virgin olive oil is the oil that is prepared from purely mechanical and physical means. There is no alteration to the oil after processing. Edible virgin olive oil has a free acidity of not more than 2 grams per 100 grams. No food additives are permitted in the virgin olive oil.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Extra virgin olive oil is a type of edible virgin olive oil, which has a free acidity content of no more than 0.8 grams per 100 grams. No additives are permitted in this oil.
Ordinary Virgin Olive Oil: Ordinary virgin olive oil has a free acidity content of no more than 3.3 grams per 100 grams. This oil does not contain any additives.
Lampnate Virgin Olive Oil: This is virgin olive oil not fit for human consumption. It has a free acidity content of more than 3.3 grams per 100 grams. It is used for refining and technical purposes.
Refined Olive Oil: Refined olive oil is the refined form of virgin olive oil. It has a free acidity content of not more than 0.3 grams per 100 grams.
Olive Oil: This is a blend of refined olive oil and edible virgin olive oil. It has a fatty acid content of not more than 1 gram per 100 grams.

US Standards

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the United States Standards for Grades of Olive Oil in 1948. These standards are still followed in the US and this has, to some extent, caused problems for consumers in purchasing the right kind of olive oil.
The USDA grades olive oil in the following four categories:
US Grade A or US Fancy
US Grade B or US Choice
US Grade C or US Standard
US Grade D or Substandard
The grading is done based on free fatty acid content (calculated as oleic acid according to the Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists), absence of defects, (degree of freedom from cloudiness at 60 degrees F), odor (typical olive oil odor and its variation to off-odors) and flavor (typical olive oil flavor and its variation to off-flavors). It has given a 100 point score sheet for olive oil in which free fatty acid content, absence of defects, odor, and flavor have weights of 30, 30, 20 and 20 respectively.
Fancy: US Fancy refers to olive oil that has a fatty acid content of no more than 1.4 percent (27-30 points). It should be entirely free from any defects (27-30 points). It should have good typical olive oil odor (18-20 points). It should have good typical olive oil flavor (18-20 points). Finally, it should have a total score of no less than 90 points.
Choice: US Choice refers to olive oil that has a fatty acid content of more than 1.4 percent but not more than 2.5 percent (24-26 points). It should be reasonably free from any defect (24-26 points). It should have a reasonably typical olive oil odor (16-17 points). It should also have a reasonably good  olive oil flavor (16-17 points). It should  have a score of no less than 80 points.
Standard: US Standard refers to olive oil that has a fatty acid content of more than 2.5 percent but less than 3.0 percent (21-23 points). It should be fairly free from any defect (21-23 points). It should have fairly good typical olive oil odor (14-15 points). It should have fairly good typical olive oil flavor (14-15 points). It should have a score of no less than 70 points.
Substandard: Substandard refers to olive oil that has free fatty acid content of more than 3.0 percent (0-20 points). It has more defects than what is present in the US Standard type of oil (0-20 points). It fails to have even a fairly good typical olive oil odor (0-13 points). It fails to have a fairly good typical olive oil flavor (0-13 points). It has less than 70 total points.

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The Health Benefits of Dates

The benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia,  sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions. Dates are good for gaining weight also. Dates are rich in several vitamins, minerals and fiber too. These delicious fruits contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium which are all beneficial for health. Some health specialists have said that eating one day per day is necessary for a balanced and healthy diet.
The massive health benefits of dates have made them one of the best ingredients for muscle development. People consume dates in several ways, such as mixing the paste of the dates with milk, yogurt or with bread or butter to make them even more delicious. The paste is beneficial for both adults and children, especially during a time of recovery from injury or illness.
According to a modern medical survey, it is now accepted that dates are useful in preventing abdominal cancer. Many Muslims break their fast by eating dates and water according to their cultural traditions. Breaking fast by eating dates helps avoid overeating of food after the fast is finished. When the body begins to absorb the high nutritional value of the dates, feelings of hunger are pacified. Also, the nervous system can get a lot of help from consuming dates, since they have such significant amounts of potassium.

Dates are one of the very best sweet and versatile foods that can regulate the digestive process. It can significantly boost energy levels in people within half an hour of consuming it. The American Cancer Society recommends an intake of 20-35 grams of dietary fiber per day, which can be supplied through dates. It is also said that taking one date per a day will help you to maintain your eye health all your life. They are commonly known to be quite effective in guarding against the problem of night blindness.

Nutritional Value of Dates

Dates are a good source of various vitamins and minerals. Its a good source of energy, sugar and fiber. Essential minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc are found in dates.  It also contains vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin A and vitamin K.

Health Benefits of Dates

Constipation: Dates are often categorized as a laxative food. This is why dates are so frequently eaten by people suffering from constipation. In order to achieve the desired laxative effect of dates, you should soak them in water over night. Then, eat the soaked dates in the morning like syrup to get the most optimal results. Dates have high levels of soluble fiber, which is essential in promoting healthy bowel movements and the comfortable passage of food through the intestinal tract, which can relieve symptoms of constipation.
Bone Health and Strength: The significant amounts of minerals found in dates make it a super food for strengthening bones and fighting off painful and debilitating diseases like osteoporosis. Dates contain selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, all of which are integral to healthy bone development and strength, particularly as people begin to age and their bones gradually weaken. So, eat your dates and give a boost to your bones!
Intestinal Disorders:The nicotine content in dates is thought to be beneficial for curing many kinds of intestinal disorders. Continuous intake of dates helps to inhibit growth of the pathological organisms and thus, they help stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines. In terms of digestive issues, dates contain those insoluble and soluble fibers, as well as many beneficial amino acids which can stimulate the digestion of food and make it more efficient, meaning that more nutrients will be absorbed by the digestive tract and enter your body for proper usage.
Anemia: Dates have a high mineral content, which is beneficial for many different health conditions, but their impressive levels of iron make them a perfect dietary supplement for people suffering from anemia. The high level of iron balances out the inherent lack of iron in anemic patients, increasing energy and strength, while decreasing feelings of fatigue and sluggishness.
Allergies: One of the most interesting facets of dates is the presence of organic sulfur in them. This is not a very common element to find in foods, but it does have a worthwhile amount of health benefits, including the reduction of allergic reactions and seasonal allergies. According to a study done in 2002, organic sulfur compounds can have a positive impact on the amount of suffering people experience from SAR (Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis), which affects approximately 23 million people in the United States alone. Dates are a great way to somewhat stem the effects of those seasonal allergies through its contributions of sulfur to the diet.
Weight Gain: Dates should be included as a  part of a healthy diet. They consist of sugar, proteins and many essential vitamins. If dates are consumed with cucumber paste, you can also keep your weight at a normal, balanced level, rather than over-slimming. One kilogram of dates contains almost 3,000 calories, and the calories in dates are sufficient to meet the daily requirements for a human body. Of course, you should not eat just dates throughout the day. If you are thin and slim and want to increase your weight, or if you are trying to build your muscles to impress some girl, or you have become weak due to a serious medical problem – you need to eat dates!
Energy Booster: Dates are high in natural sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Therefore, they are the perfect snack for an immediate burst of energy. Many people around the world use dates for a quick afternoon snack when they are feeling lethargic or sluggish.
Nervous System Health: The vitamins present in dates make it an ideal boost to nervous system health and functionality. Potassium is one of the prime ingredients in promoting a healthy and responsive nervous system, and it also improves the speed and alertness of brain activity. Therefore, dates are a wonderful food source for people as they begin to age and their nervous system becomes sluggish or unsupported, as well as for people who want to keep their mind sharp.
Healthy Heart: Dates are quite helpful in keeping your heart healthy. When they are soaked for the night, crushed in the morning and then consumed, they have been shown to have a positive effect on weak hearts. Dates are also a rich source of potassium, which studies have shown to reduce the risk of stroke and other heart related diseases. Furthermore, they are suggested as a healthy and delicious way to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body, which is a major contributing factor heart attacks, heart disease, and stroke. Therefore, when taken twice a week, dates can seriously improve the overall health of the heart.
Sexual Weakness: Studies have shown that dates are even beneficial for increasing sexual stamina. Soak a handful of dates in fresh goat’s milk over night, then grind them in the same milk with a mixture of cardamom powder and honey. This mixture becomes a very useful tonic for increasing sexual endurance and reducing sterility caused by various sexual disorders. The science behind this phenomenon is largely due to traditional usage which stimulated formal research. In 2006, Bahmanpour studied the effects of date palms and their oil on sexual functioning and found that the high levels of estradiol and flavonoid components of dates are what increase sperm count and motility, as well as promoting increased testes size and weight. So, if you are looking for a masculine boost, eat some dates, because they are a great natural aphrodisiac!
Night Blindness: The benefits of dates are extensive, and are commonly employed to fight off various conditions affecting the ear, nose, and throat. When the leaves of the date palm are ground into a paste and rubbed on and around the eyes, or when dates are ingested orally, it has been shown to reduce the frequency of night blindness, and this solution is commonly used in rural areas where dates grow as an alternative medicine.
Intoxication: Dates are commonly used as a remedy for alcoholic intoxication. Dates provide quick relief and have a sobering effect in case you feel as though have consumed an uncomfortable amount of alcohol. They can also be used the following morning to prevent severe hangovers. Again, they should be rubbed and soaked overnight for the best results.
Diarrhea: Ripe dates contain potassium, which is known as an effective way of controlling diarrhea. They are also easy to digest, which further helps alleviate the unpredictable nature of chronic diarrhea. The soluble fiber in dates can also help relieve diarrhea, by providing bulk to the bowel movements and promoting normal, healthy functioning of the excretory system.
Abdominal Cancer: Research has pointed towards dates being a legitimate way to reduce the risk and impact of abdominal cancer. They work as a useful tonic for all age groups, and in some cases, they work better than traditional medicines, and are natural, so they don’t have any negative side effects on the human body. They can be quickly and easily digested for a quick boost of energy.
Although dates carry tremendous nutritional values, great care should be taken in their selection because their surface is very sticky, which often attracts various impurities. Therefore, you should only consume dates that are processed and packaged properly. Also, make sure to wash them thoroughly before you eat them, as this will help remove the impurities present on the surface.

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